Turning Followers to Clients

Simon Says Maingi
2 min readJun 24, 2021

Do you want a bigger audience or do you want a bigger clientele?

Because you can easily buy followers, they’re cheap nowadays. And then you get a perception that you actually have a bigger audience. There are some brands that actually have boosted themselves up. What they do is they buy 200,000 followers or something, but look at their engagement.

There is nobody, nobody wants to hear from you and nobody’s even engaging with your content. So what I would focus on when it comes to social media, focus on not width focus on depth, focus on that, those 30 followers that you have. Why don’t you have 30 clients?

That’s the first question you need to ask yourself is why are those 30 clients your, I mean, those 30 followers, your clients, that’s one of the first questions that you need to ask yourself so that you can go to the next stage of where you’re now making more strategized and more focused content that is of value.

Not only to the people that follow you but even to lead them and guiding them towards them, transacting with you. And in essence, this builds more credibility. For you. So that’s one of the things that I even like stating first when clients call me, why don’t I have those people that follow me, those 100 people, those 200 people.

Why don’t I have them as converted clients?



Simon Says Maingi

I am a Kenyan Digital Marketing Instructor who helps businesses and brands grow online