How to KENYAN YOUTUBERS get more views using YOUTUBE TAGS

Simon Says Maingi
2 min readFeb 25, 2019

When it comes to YouTube, tags in your YouTube videos are KEY in order to reach out to new audiences that aren’t subscribed to you.

tags should always be associated with your video

Tags are keywords attached to your YouTube video that assist YouTube in adding your video to the suggestion column to other videos that are done on the same subject/topic.

Finding keywords to add to your tags is very important. One must make sure to add the appropriate keywords to a YouTube video so that your video will appear to audiences that are interested in the topic you are covering in your video.

How to find the right keywords for TAGS

The first tag that one should use in their video is the COMPLETE title of your YouTube video.

After that one can use the search column on YouTube by typing the main topic that your video surrounds and beneath your search you will be able to see what people are searching around that particular topic.

suggestions pop up after typing of key words

One should make sure to insert the name of their YouTube channel as a tag in all their YouTube videos. This will assist your channel in getting more recognition from YouTube.


At times you might find it hard to find the appropriate keywords, one can use the following websites that I have found very useful in finding keywords for your YouTube videos.

  1. YouTube key words
  2. Tubebuddy

Add the appropriate key words in all your videos and you will see your YouTube channel grow and reach new audiences.

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Simon Says Maingi

I am a Kenyan Digital Marketing Instructor who helps businesses and brands grow online